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Monday June 4, 2018 - Council meeting

Holy Rosary at 7:10 PM Meeting at 7:30 PM

Elections! Come meet your new Council Leadership!

Brothers, Family and Supporters of Council 5959,

As we wind-up the Fraternal Year, our attention is now shifting to the Council Elections, Officer Transition and the Schedule of Events (SoE) new the 2018-2019 Fraternal Year. Between now and July 1st, we will vote in a new Slate of Officers, current and future officers will meet in June to formalize the transition and start planning next years activities.

"Very few, of our younger members are active!"

Only about 10 percent of our members attend the council meetings and are, in a practical sense, able to be become officers as meeting attendance is required. To be effective Committee Chairmen, members need to be in the know as to how the council is doing, who they can count on and how much effort we will be able to manage effectively. Very few of our "younger", more capable members are active, our active brothers are not able to participate in the more demanding traditional events, which causes us to have to rethink the events that we are involved it. Historically we have been on of the most active councils of the Knights of Columbus and especially in our district and state, but we are no longer able to keep up this level of activity. As a result, we're taking a fresh look at our calendar of events, meetings, and all activities and make a determination on which activities make sense to continue and which need to be dropped.

New meeting schedule, Wednesdays!

We are moving our meetings from the current 1st and 3rd Monday Schedule to Wednesdays to comply with Safe Environment requirements. The weekly occurrences will be discussed and agreed on at the next officers' meeting, and communicated via Wind O' the Hills. Our goal is to ensure the council continues its required monthly business meetings, and provide a forum for members to conduct business while satisfying our unity and fraternity principal. I have long felt that Monday nights have a number of inherent conflicts, be it National Holidays, Football or other; I welcome change, especially this one. There will be conflict on Wednesday's as well, but hopefully there will be fewer.

Welcoming new methods, practices and technology!

We have held three online Officers' Meetings this Fraternal Year, and I recommend we continue this practice to minimize the time needed to travel to the church and back home, as well as allow those among us that are traveling to attend from wherever they are. The Council Meeting however, continues to be an in-person meeting to ensure compliance with Knights of Columbus best practices and voting requirements, as well as be able to present, discuss and pay our expenses.
The Supreme council has implemented an on-line membership as well. Practicing Catholic gentlemen, over the age of 18, will be able to join the Order via the on-line registration process. If they claim Blessed Sacrament Church as their home parish, and wish to join a council, we will be notified to engage the new member and facilitate the various degrees on the path to full knighthood and related benefits.

Vivat Jesu,
PGK Manny Cirne, GK
Edit this to insert text.

If you are not already a member of our great council, and would like to join, please read below.

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Thursday, February 22, 2018
Dear Candidates,

We, as Knights in Martinsville, want to see everyone find a solution that works best for them. Now there is a faster way to becoming a Knight of Columbus, Joining the Knights now Online.

Eligible Catholic men can now join the Knights of Columbus in two ways:
  1. Our preferred method is to reply to this email or Contact our Council’s Membership Director, John Arcoleo at 908-964-0006 john@jdassoc.com
  2. Online in a simple, streamlined process, visit http://www.kofc.org/joinus
If asked for a parish name, please enter: Blessed Sacrament Church, Martinsville NJ
If asked for a council number, please enter: 5959 – Our Lady of the Hills Council

In just the next 2 months, we have many parish events such as: Blood Drive, Coffee and Donuts, Easter Egg Hunt, St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance, East Egg Hunt, Spring Plant Sale and Children with Disabilities Fund Drive. If you want to be part of group of Catholic gentlemen whose primary tenet is charity and that has fun raising funds for charity together consider joining our council at Blessed Sacrament.

The Knights of Columbus, the largest Catholic fraternal order in the world, has announced a membership initiative that allows eligible Catholic men to join the organization online. The K of C was founded in 1882 by Venerable Father Michael McGivney, a parish priest, in New Haven, Connecticut. The organization was formed to provide charitable outreach and care for the financial well-being of Catholic families, focusing on the protection of widows and orphans, and on strengthening the faith of its members. It has grown to include almost two million members worldwide.
Manuel N Cirne Signature
Babies in the Womb Feel Pain
KofC Insurance
KofC5959 Page Header
Council meetings are held every 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, except as announced due to holidays and summer months. All Knights of Columbus members in good-standing are invited to attend, please arrive no later than start time.
Meeting Time: 7:30 PM for the meeting, or 7:10 PM to pray the Holy Rosary
Meeting Location: We meet at Blessed Sacrament Parish, in rooms 1&2 (off the church lobby).
Publisher: Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Hills Martinsville Council No. 5959
Contacts: Email all comments, questions and concerns to officers@kofc.ws
Webpage: http://www.kofc.ws