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Thank you PGK Joe Beotsch, Br. John Fus and all those that made it possible!
Bake Sale 2017 - John, Joe, Manny

50th Annual Christmas Social

December 9, 2017 - 6:00 PM

Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall

I apologize for the incorrect date included in the last Wind O' the Hills, above is the corrected date.

Dear reader reader,

If you are a member in good standing of our council, you are invited! We will honor our wives at our 50th annual Christmas Social. We are returning to our tradition of cooking and serving our wives a great meal. The social will be held after the Vigil Mass. If you are a member of council 5959 in good standing, you should have received an Evite, if you did not, please click on link below to RSVP.

If you can help with kitchen duty, we need your help with the setup, preparation, and then service. Please reply to this email with your availability during the day Saturday December 9th.

Vivat Jesu!
PGK Manuel N (Manny) Cirne, Grand Knight
Our Lady of the Hills, Martinsville NJ Council 5959
Click here to RSVP to KofC Council 5959 Christmas Social Invite
Babies in the Womb Feel Pain

Click this link to view video message, click poster to visit website!

2020 Project

Annual Coat Drive Continues

In addition to the Coats for Kids program, our council will be collecting your gently used coats and donating them to local organizations that will ensure they are provided to those in need. Our coat drive will continue during November. Please drop off your donations in the Blessed Sacrament Church lobby on your way in to Mass.

Brother Bill Wellman is the chairman of this event, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reply to this email.
2017/11/18 Coat Drive at BSC Lobby - Ongoing for three weeks
2017/11/20 Council Meeting at BSC CR 1&2, Holy Rosary Starts at 7:10, meeting at 7:30 PM
2017/12/04 Council Meeting at BSC CR 1&2, Holy Rosary Starts at 7:10, meeting at 7:30 PM
2017/12/06 Officers Meeting at BSC Conf. Room at 8 PM
2017/12/09 Christmas Social at BSC Hall - Starting at 6:30 PM - Members and Wives
2017/12/16 Christmas Pageant Santa and Toys at BSC Hall
2017/12/18 Council Meeting at BSC CR 1&2, Holy Rosary Starts at 7:10, meeting at 7:30 PM
2017/12/24 Lyons VA Mass Arrive by 9:50 AM at Lyons Bldg. 143

Become An active Participant

Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed,
or are you just contented, that your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings, and mingle with the flock,
or do you always stay at home, and criticize and knock?

Do you work on the committees, to see there is no trick,
or leave the work to just a few, and talk about the clique?

So come to the meetings often as much as you can, and help with hand and heart,
don't be just a member, but take an active part.

And if you have just a little time, that a meeting is not for you
please, participate with us, in just one event or two!
Chapeau Banner Color
Our assembly's newsletter for November is now available, click here to download it in full. I have also selected Monsignor Prus' article to reprint below.
From the Friar's Quill
I'm sure that all of us read with great interest and perhaps some surprise the announcement in last month's Columbia magazine about the change in uniform for the Fourth Degree Knights. All of us have grown up with the plumes, the chapeau, and the cape which made such a distinctive statement about our identity as Fourth Degree Knights. The regalia certainly made every one stop and take notice. Whenever anyone mentioned the Knights of Columbus, most people immediately called to mind the Fourth Degree Knights in their regalia. It certainly created a stirring image of a Catholic gentleman for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Yet when I read the reasons for the change, I had to agree that it is time to let go of the past and embrace the future. The article mentioned the undeniable fact that our membership is aging. We certainly need to attract a lot more of our young Knights. It may well be that the old regalia spoke to the men of ages past and it needed to be changed and brought up the date. I was also shocked to learn that fewer than 20% of Knights join the Fourth Degree and only a fraction of that number serve as honor guards. The article also mentioned that the old regalia presented a barrier to membership for many knights.
It's time for all of us to embrace the new regalia. It offers Fourth Degree members a very modern, up-to-date look. I was especially impressed by the use of the beret which has also been adopted by the United States military. It is my hope that the new regalia will attract a lot of our younger Knights to the Fourth Degree. But remember that they are not going to come knocking on our doors. We need to invite them in and encourage them to join our ranks.

I also take this opportunity to wish all you and your families a very happy Thanksgiving!

Msgr. Eugene Prus
Faithful Friar
Babies in the Womb Feel Pain
Babies in the Womb Web Page
KofC5959 Page Header
Council meetings are held every 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, except as announced due to holidays and summer months. All Knights of Columbus members in good-standing are invited to attend, please arrive no later than start time.
Meeting Time: 7:30 PM for the meeting, or 7:10 PM to pray the Holy Rosary
Meeting Location: We meet at Blessed Sacrament Parish, in rooms 1&2 (off the church lobby).
Publisher: Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Hills Martinsville Council No. 5959
Contacts: Email all comments, questions and concerns to officers@kofc.ws
Webpage: http://www.kofc.ws