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2017 K of C 50 banner[514]

Knights of the Month

Vinny Scafuto and David Adams
Thank you brothers!
DGK Vincent Scafuto and PGK David Adams were selected as Knights of the month for their irreplaceable support at the Oktoberfest!
Cirne, Manuel N - Profile Photo

Grand Knights Message

Bale Sale

Dear reader reader;

First, I would like you help with this weekend's Bake Sale fundraiser. There are three ways to participate:

I would like to ask you to bake, or buy baked goods and bring them to the parish foyer on Saturday.
If you can spare an hour or two on Saturday, please stop by the Blessed Sacrament Church Foyer between 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM to help PGK Joe Beotsch wrap the cakes.
On your way out of church, buy some great tasting treats to help our charities

Ready, Set, Bake!

50th Annual Christmas Social

Second, On Saturday, December 12th starting at 6:00 PM we will honor our wives at our 50th annual Christmas Social. We will return to our tradition of cooking and serving our wives a great meal. This event will be held at the Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall on Saturday December 12th and will start at 6:PM, after the Vigil Mass. Monitor your email inbox for the invitation via eVite, and RSVP promptly so that we have enough time to procure the provisions and plan the event. If you are a member of council 5959 in good standing and do not get an invite, please call me and let me know that you would like to join us.

Vivat Jesu!
PGK Manuel N (Manny) Cirne, Grand Knight
Our Lady of the Hills, Martinsville NJ Council 5959
Bake Sale Flyer

A message from DD PGK Stan Serafin

Worthy Grand Knights

There are three worthy programs that every Council should strongly consider participating in.
Coats for Kids, Blanket Drive, & Debora Hospital.

As you know, Coats for Kids & the Blanket Drive touch our fundamental core value of charity. The State makes it easy for the Councils to donate. We send the program chairman a check & they take care of everything else. Most Councils are already participating in these charitable programs, however, if you need information I will be glad to email it or you can locate the program chairman in the State Directory.

The Knights of Columbus has a relationship with Deborah Hospital. Again, most Councils are currently donating to Deborah. This hospital specializes in heart & lung operations and they give special considerations for Members of the Knights of Columbus.

At your next Officers' meeting please consider making these charitable programs a part of your Councils' annual contributions.

Vivat Jesus,

Stan, DD

Annual Coat Drive Continues

In addition to the Coats for Kids program, our council will be collecting your gently used coats and donating them to local organizations that will ensure they are provided to those in need. Our coat drive will continue during November. Please drop off your donations in the Blessed Sacrament Church lobby on your way in to Mass.

Brother Bill Wellman is the chairman of this event, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reply to this email.
2017/11/11 Coat Drive at BSC Lobby - Ongoing for three weeks
2017/11/11 Bake Sale Fundraiser at BSC Lobby (11/11 and 12 After all weekend masses)
2017/11/20 Council Meeting at BSC CR 1&2, Holy Rosary Starts at 7:10, meeting at 7:30 PM
2017/12/04 Council Meeting at BSC CR 1&2, Holy Rosary Starts at 7:10, meeting at 7:30 PM
2017/12/06 Officers Meeting at BSC Conf. Room at 8 PM
2017/12/09 Christmas Social at BSC Hall - Starting at 6:30 PM - Members and Wives
2017/12/10 Coffee and Donuts at BSC CR1 - Canceled due to Parish Requirements
2017/12/16 Christmas Pageant Santa and Toys at BSC Hall
2017/12/18 General Membership Meeting at BSC CR15
2017/12/24 Lyons VA Mass Arrive by 9:50 AM at Lyons Bldg. 143

Become An active Participant

Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed,
or are you just contented, that your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings, and mingle with the flock,
or do you always stay at home, and criticize and knock?

Do you work on the committees, to see there is no trick,
or leave the work to just a few, and talk about the clique?

So come to the meetings often as much as you can, and help with hand and heart,
don't be just a member, but take an active part.

And if you have just a little time, that a meeting is not for you
please, participate with us, in just one event or two!
Edit this to insert text.
KofC5959 Page Header

Council Meetings:

Days: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Blessed Sacrament Parish, classrooms 1 & 3
Invitation: All “Members in Good-Standing” are invited to attend. We meet at Blessed Sacrament Church; classrooms are off-the-lobby to the right. Please arrive no later than the meeting start time, 7:30 PM. We pray the Holy Rosary before the meeting, starting at approximately 7:10 PM, arrive early and make some time for the Lord.

Wind O’ the Hills Newsletter

Publisher: Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Hills - Council 5959
Address: 1890 Washington Valley Rd, Martinsville NJ 08836
Email: officers@kofc.ws
Technical Issues: webmaster@kofc.ws
Web Page: http://www.kofc.ws

Our Lady of the Hills Council

Blessed Sacrament Church
