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Cirne, Manuel N - Profile Photo
Dear reader reader;

Thank you!

What else can I say about our Admission Ceremonial team. We are so grateful that you were there for our council and new members. Thank you PGK Fred Ciociola (GK), PGK Pat Noonan (FS), PGK Rip Schissler (C), PGK John Arcoleo (IG), PGK Bob Warren (SM), PGK Steve Sisolak (R), DGK Vincent Scafuto (DGK), Br Larry Blanke (W) Br. John Fus (OG) and Br. Carl Sisolak (R).

Thank you also to GK Rainer Tegge and DW PGK Bob Gray of Fr. Russel Council 11409 for bringing a candidate and DD PGK Stan Serafin for attending our ceremony.

Become a participant, this is not a spectator sport!

Over the last 4 months, we have had many opportunities to gather, socialize and continue to raise funds for our charities. We had renewed energy from our new brother Greg Marino, as well as from long time brothers too numerous to mentions. Upcoming this year we will have even more opportunities starting today. We have a total of 46 events this fraternal year:
  1. The Coast Drive - Starts today!, this is an easy one, bring us the coat the you no longer use, or the one that no longer fits, or you just simply grew tired of it, someone else will make good use of it.
  2. The Bake Sale fundraiser - November 11 and 12, this is another easy one, you can ask your wife, your kids, your neighbor to bake for us. If you don't have the time to bake, please buy muffins, cupcakes or other baked goods. Smaller portions are always better as many of us no longer eat large portions of cake and we can sell smaller portions at a better margin.
  3. The Christmas Social! December 9th Our tradition to honor our wives with a nice social, dinner and fine service continues. This year however, we are returning to our initial tradition of cooking our own food, serving it to our wives and ourselves, and starting a new tradition of bringing our own favorite drinks and deserts. We will need your help for setup and kitchen duty. Even if you cannot attend the dinner, we can have a semi-social in the morning and early afternoon while preparing the meal and setting up the hall. Please reply to this email if you can help us make this a special event for all of us and our wives. There will be no-charge to the attendees, but it is restricted to the membership (members in good standing), and our wives.
We continue to operate at about 15% of our strength (unfortunately, even the 80/20 rule does not apply to our council 80% of the work is done by 20% of the members. We are more in the vicinity of the 85/15, about 50 of us, out of 269 members actually participate in our events. We are somewhat successful and have had good feedback from the brothers that do participate. It is very fulfilling to provide the little help we can to our Council, Church and Community. I would like more of you to experience this feeling.

Can you imagine what force we would be in the Knight of Columbus and Parish if we all contributed just an hour or two each month? I can, and wow! What a force for good we would be! I know we can rely on you in a pinch, to perform a particular task or lend a helping hand. We will be calling you, asking you to come through for our charities, become involved in our events, feel the exhilaration of a job well done for the neediest among us.

If you are not a member of our Council yet, please let us know what more we can do to make you part of our council family.

To be Continued,

In consecutive WOTH issues, we will be announcing the Scholarship Program Restructuring. which will require participation which we are in the process of defining. We have removed the Scholarship application from the web page, and will be providing it on request to participating members once the restructuring is completed. Stay tuned!

Fraternally Yours, Vivat Jesu,

PGK Manuel N (Manny) Cirne, Grand Knight
Our Lady of the Hills, Martinsville NJ Council 5959


Annual Coat Drive

In addition to the Coats for Kids program, our council will be collecting your gently used coats and donating them to local organizations that will ensure they are provided to those in need. Our coat drive will start on November 4th. Please drop off your donations in the Blessed Sacrament Church lobby on your way in to Mass.

Brother Bill Wellman is the chairman of this event, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reply to this email.
2017/11/04 Coat Drive at BSC Lobby
2017/11/06 Council Meeting at BSC CR 1&2, Holy Rosary Starts at 7:10, meeting at 7:30 PM
2017/11/08 Officers Meeting at BSC at 8 PM
2017/11/11 Bake Sale Fundraiser at BSC Lobby (11/11 and 12 After all weekend masses)
2017/11/20 Council Meeting at BSC CR 1&2, Holy Rosary Starts at 7:10, meeting at 7:30 PM
2017/12/04 Council Meeting at BSC CR 1&2, Holy Rosary Starts at 7:10, meeting at 7:30 PM
2017/12/06 Officers Meeting at BSC Conf. Room at 8 PM
2017/12/09 Christmas Social at BSC Hall - Starting at 6:30 PM - Members and Wives
2017/12/10 Coffee and Donuts at BSC CR1 - Canceled due to Parish Requirements
2017/12/16 Christmas Pageant Santa and Toys at BSC Hall
2017/12/18 General Membership Meeting at BSC CR15
2017/12/24 Lyons VA Mass Arrive by 9:50 AM at Lyons Bldg. 143

New Council Members

Pictured L/R: Membership Director PGK John Arcoleo, new KofC Members Ziggy, Tim, Steve and newly transferred to our council Carl.

Become An active Participant

Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed,
or are you just contented, that your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings, and mingle with the flock,
or do you always stay at home, and criticize and knock?

Do you work on the committees, to see there is no trick,
or leave the work to just a few, and talk about the clique?

So come to the meetings often as much as you can, and help with hand and heart,
don't be just a member, but take an active part.

And if you have just a little time, that a meeting is not for you
please, participate with us, in just one event or two!
Bake Sale Flyer
KofC5959 Page Header

Council Meetings:

Days: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Blessed Sacrament Parish, classrooms 1 & 3
Invitation: All “Members in Good-Standing” are invited to attend. We meet at Blessed Sacrament Church; classrooms are off-the-lobby to the right. Please arrive no later than the meeting start time, 7:30 PM. We pray the Holy Rosary before the meeting, starting at approximately 7:10 PM, arrive early and make some time for the Lord.

Wind O’ the Hills Newsletter

Publisher: Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Hills - Council 5959
Address: 1890 Washington Valley Rd, Martinsville NJ 08836
Email: officers@kofc.ws
Technical Issues: webmaster@kofc.ws
Web Page: http://www.kofc.ws

Our Lady of the Hills Council

Blessed Sacrament Church
