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Brother Knights of Council 5959,

We’d like your help to refresh our council officers’ understanding of how we can better tailor our council’s programs and events to better suit your interests. Our goal is to become more relevant in our parish and community; to make informed decisions, we’d like your input.

Please take a few minutes to reply to this email with your comments, or click here to open the form to be completed with your comments. Please email it to officers@kofc.ws or mail it to our address on the letterhead, c/o GK Vincent Scafuto.

Provide your interests/reasons why you joined the Knights of Columbus:

1) ___________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________________

4) ___________________________________________________

Additional comments: _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If printing this page, please include your contact information:

Name: ______________________

Email: ______________________

Phone Number: ________________