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Wednesday August 05, 2020


Newsletter Archives

Have a safe summer!

Stay tuned for our next council meeting announcement!

Scafuto, Vincent

Grand Knight,

Vincent Scafuto

Please make time to 1) attend the Eucharistic Adoration, see message below for more information and 2) read the Religious and Civil Liberties column by Br. Al.


Brothers, Sir Knights, Family, and Friends,

Thank you to all who have volunteered to help our parish as it return to a new normal.

I know that many of you have been volunteering, and to name a few, Brs. Mike Sabella, Larry Blanke, Harley Juth (and Carole), Eric Koppi, Alfred Beronio and PGK Albert Logiudice, and possibly more that I have not had the opportunity to see (or recognize behind the mask).

Help wanted Banner

We have asked to make ourselves available, we need more volunteers, especially at and after the 10:30 Mass, please make yourself available by introducing yourself to Seminarian Jose, Father Brian or Father Luke and asking what you may be able to help with.

Vivat Jesu!

Vincent Scafuto

Grand Knight, Council 5959

Religious and Civil Liberties


Brothers and Friends,

Regardless of what your position might be with respect to the current politics, this sort of behavior is simply unacceptable and actually downright frightening. I'm hazarding a guess that not one of the recipients of this email, some of whom are not exactly supporters of Pres. Trump or his policies, will disagree with me. If there are I would love to engage in a dialogue to help me understand just what it is about AOC that seems to mesmerize otherwise reasonable politicians.

Br. Al

Catholic League

For Religious and Civil Rights

AOC Attacks Fr. Damien
August 3, 2020

Catholic League president Bill Donohue wrote the following letter to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) today:

August 3, 2020

Hon. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
229 Cannon HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Rep. Ocasio-Cortez:

Without provocation, you recently exploded in a fit of rage when you condemned Father Damien, the 19th century priest who gave his life to serving lepers on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. Referring to a statue of him in the U.S. Capitol, you said, "This is what patriarchy and white supremacist culture looks like!"

Your remarks evince an offensive ethnocentrism. You disrespected the people of Hawaii: It is they who hold Father Damien in high regard. You should be careful not to judge a people's culture and history through your own provincial lens.

Here is what the Britannica Online Encyclopedia says about Father Damien.

"Damien, known for his compassion, provided spiritual, physical, and emotional comfort to those suffering from the debilitating and incurable disease. He served as both pastor and physician to the [leper] colony and undertook many projects to better the conditions there. He improved water and food supplies and housing and founded two orphanages, receiving help from other priests for only 6 of his 16 years on Molokai."

Even after Father Damien learned that he had contracted leprosy, he continued his charitable work. He died in 1889.

You expressed anger at the failure of the U.S. Capitol not to recognize a contemporary of Father Damien, Queen Liliuokalani. It is obvious that you know no more about the queen than the priest.
Queen Liliuokalani adored Father Damien, heralding his yeoman work. Indeed, she made the "white supremacist" a knight commander of the Royal Order of Kalākaua for his legendary work with lepers. In fact, as a public tribute to his efforts, she convinced government officials to build a hospital for lepers.

Your appalling ethnocentrism makes it impossible for you to appreciate why Father Damien is regarded as a hero by Hawaiians. That is why they made sure to have three statues of him: one in front of the State Capitol in downtown Honolulu; one in front of St. Joseph's Church in Molokai; and one in National Statuary Hall in Washington, D.C.

You need to apologize to the people of Hawaii for disrespecting their history and culture. You also need to apologize to Catholics for demonizing Father Damien (it matters not a whit that you identify as a Catholic—you have offended Catholics and that is all that counts).

William A. Donohue, Ph.D.

Contact AOC's chief of staff, Ariel Eckblad: ariel.eckblad@mail.house.gov

Phone: 212-371-3191
E-mail: pr@catholicleague.org

A message from Fr. Brian


It is with great joy and anticipation that we announce continued progress in the re-opening of Blessed Sacrament Church at a limited capacity for weekend Masses. It is important that you review the frequently updated information on our Webpage, the link is below.

Click on this link to view guidelines for this weekends' Masses, sign up to volunteer, and register to attend masses in person.

Eucharistic Adoration

Come and spend an evening with Jesus August 7th, from 7-8 pm Join us in the Faith, Hope and Love Garden behind the church. During this time, we will have exposition, time for quiet reflection, music, and benediction

An Hour in the Garden
Lord, Hear Our Prayer

Your prayers are requested for:

  • For all people suffering due to the Corona Virus

  • For all those that have to continue to get in harms-way to provide our essential services

  • For First-Responders, Medical Professionals and all those caring for the ill

  • PGK F Joseph Beotsch

  • Brother Dave Martin

  • Brother Ralph Manfredi

  • Brother Robert Riggio

  • Brother Fred Palumbo

Foodbank Network of Somerset County

Click Picture to Donate to the

Frank De Vita Lane
Br. Frank Devita - D-Day to Hell and Back
As a member of the United States Coast Guard assigned to the USS Samuel Chase, Frank served as a gunner’s mate third class and crewed a Higgins boat on 15 D-Day landings. Frank was a part of the first wave, on June 6, 1944, that brought the Big Red One into Omaha Beach, and to this day still wonders how he survived.

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Contact Information for Council Members and Family


We know not when, we know not where and we know not how! Please make it a point of specifically providing our council's contact information to your loved ones! This information is relevant not only for you, but also for your loved ones, as they may need to contact one of us.

  • Field agent for insurance information and questions Cell: 917-589-1252; Charles.Gardner@kofc.org (Br. Bud)

  • Financial Secretary for dues and council related information; fs@kofc.ws (PGK Bob)

  • Council Officers - officers@kofc.ws

  • Council's phone number, 929-459-5950, leave a message and one of us will call you back as soon as possible.

We have many electronic resources available to us,

  • www.kofc.org, for our Orders global organization

  • www.njkofc.org, for the KofC State

  • www.kofc.ws, Our Council

  • At the top of this newsletter, you will always find our social media links to Twitter and Facebook as well as a link to our page

Exemplification Ceremony

The Knights of Columbus has revised the degree program; it is now one Exemplification Ceremony which combines 1st. (Charity) 2nd. Unity and 3rd. Fraternity, our Orders' principles. The 4th (Patriotism) continues to be a distinct event.

The link below, includes a video of the ceremony.Take the time to view this video as a refresher as to what the nights are about and why your joined and to help you explain to your family who the Knights are, what we stand for and what we do.


Knights of Columbus Insurance

KofC Insurance

Charles Bud Gardner, Field Agent

917-589-1252 - charles.gardner@kofc.org

Council meeting:
Held every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, except as periodically announced. All members of the Knights of Columbus in good-standing are invited to attend, please arrive no later than start time.
Meeting Time: 7:30 PM for the meeting, or 7:10 PM to pray the Holy Rosary
Meeting Location: We meet at Blessed Sacrament Parish, in rooms 1&2 (off the church lobby).
Publication Contact:
Publisher: Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Hills Martinsville NJ Council No. 5959
Contacts: Email: officers@kofc.ws;
Phone number: 929-459-5950
Webpage: http://www.kofc.ws
USPS Mail to: Blessed Sacrament Parish
c/o Knights of Columbus
1890 Washington Valley Rd
Martinsville NJ 08836
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