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New meeting nights, 2nd and 4 Wednesdays

Transition meeting this Monday 6/25 at 8 PM in Classrooms 1 and 2

Dear reader reader:

The Fraternal Year 2017-2018 is coming to an end with the end of this month! Our final event will be the Transition Meeting, which will be held tomorrow in our regular meeting rooms 1 and 2. All current (2017-2018) and newly elected (2018-2019) council officers are asked to attend our "Fraternal Year Transition Meeting" tomorrow, June 25, 2018. As its name implies, we will be "transitioning" to the new year by reviewing the events held, determining which ones will be worth doing again, and which will not. If you are an Event Committee Chairman, please come to discuss further.

With the completion of this meeting, the current Fraternal Year will be in the books and we will start the new fraternal year with the July 11th Council Meeting, as previously announced, council meetings will now be scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month (except in July and August when only one meeting per month will be held per schedule below).

It has been an honor to server the council as Grand Knight for my second term, I appreciate all the support I have received, and will be happy to continue on with my new role of Council 3 Year Trustee, Web Master, and Wind O' the Hills Editor.

I ask that you continue supporting our council and Grand Knight Vincent Scafuto by accepting an appointed position, volunteering for our events, and also providing articles to be included in this publication. My challenge to keep you all informed of our meetings, events, needs and successes, but would like to also include general information articles on our council, parish, Church and community. Please send me pictures with accompanying stories which you feel are of interest to our growing audience.

In the near future, if not already, Grand Knight Vinny, will contact many of you to ask you to fill one of our appointed officer, committee or event chairman positions! Please say "Yes"!

Vivat Jesu,

PGK Manuel N. (Manny) Cirne
Grand Knight, Council 5959

Congratulations (again) to

Newly Elected and Returning Officers of Council 5959

Position Position Type 2018-2019
Grand Knight Elected Br. Vinny Scafuto
Chaplain Appointed Fr. Richard Rusk
Financial Secretary Appointed PGK Bob Warren
Deputy GK Elected Br. Joe Piarulli
Chancellor Elected Br. Bob Riggio
Recorder Elected Br. Bob Erwin
Treasurer Elected Br. Chuck Franklin
Advocate Elected Br. Carl Sisolak
Warden Elected Br. Larry Blanke
Inside Guard Elected Br. Mark Huff
Outside Guard Elected Br. Barry Walker
Trustee-1st Year Elected PGK Manny Cirne
Trustee-2nd Year Elected PGK Ron Christensen
Trustee-3rd Year Elected PGK John Arcoleo

Rev. Fr. Temuyi Julius

Society of African Missions (SMA)

l/r GK Manny Cirne, Fr. Temuyi Julius, Connie Cirne, Maxim Maxwell and Michelle Cirne (sitting)

Rev. Fr. Temuyi is visiting our area to raise funds for the Catholic Church ton continue its mission in Nigeria. We had the Honor of hearing the first mass, at which is was the sole Celebrant, the first in the United States, on his first visit to Blessed Sacrament Parish.

Fr. Temuyi's homily with the theme of the Nativity of John the Baptist, was very enlightening and at the same time extreme and utterly sad.

SMA carries out well published humanitarian missions, and evangelization throughout Africa.

He explained that priests and sisters are being killed on a regular basis for their faith. He recounted how gunmen just come into the church and kill priests and parishioners alike. Another committed a suicide bombing as parishioners were leaving church, although a solder was on-guard, he too was killed. Priests are not able to go out in public wearing their priestly garments as they are targets for kidnaping and killing.

May God bless his work and keep him safe in his travels and while carrying on his mission back home in Nigeria.

Transition Meeting / All officers current and newly elected are requested to attend.
06/25/2018 Starting at 8:00 PM at BSC CR
Council Meeting / Only Council Meeting in July
07/11/2018 Starting at 7:30 PM at BSC CR 1&2
Council Meeting / Only Council Meeting in August
08/08/2018 Starting at 7:30 PM at BSC CR 1&2

If you are not already a member of our great council, and would like to join, please read below.

Babies in the Womb Feel Pain
KofC Insurance
KofC5959 Page Header
Council meetings (New Starting July 2018)" Held every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, except as periodically announced. All Knights of Columbus members in good-standing are invited to attend, please arrive no later than start time.
Meeting Time: 7:30 PM for the meeting, or 7:10 PM to pray the Holy Rosary
Meeting Location: We meet at Blessed Sacrament Parish, in rooms 1&2 (off the church lobby).
Publisher: Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Hills Martinsville Council No. 5959
Contacts: Email all comments, questions and concerns to officers@kofc.ws
Webpage: http://www.kofc.ws