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Newsletter Archives

Next council meeting: Wednesday, September 11, 2019

  1. Wednesday September 11 7:30 PM - Council Meeting at BSC Parish Rooms 1 & 2
  2. Sunday September 15 8:30 AM - American Red Cross Blood Drive at BSC Parish Hall
  3. Saturday and Sunday September 21 and 22 Fall Plant Sale at Blessed Sacrament Parish
  4. Sunday September 22nd at the 12:00 Mass - Fr.Brian’s installation
Scafuto, Vincent

GK Vincent Scafuto

Father Brian Nolan

Fr. Brian Nolan


Grand Knight's Message

Dear Reader:

On September 11, our next meeting will be a business meeting, please come, let's get our business for the new fraternal year started. We will discuss our calendar of events and will consider all ideas and suggestions on how we can improve. Additionally, Sister Fabiana from our neighboring convent across the street has requested a donation for her sister's school. We will vote on this and other requests. Come, be part of the decision making.

September 15, American Red Cross Blood Drive! Register now and provide the "gift of life", the life you save may be your own. When you're done donating, jump on over to St. Ann's school cafeteria in Raritan for breakfast sponsored by the Sgt. John F Basilone council 13264.

Mark you calendars for our next plant sale, September 21st and 22nd, We will need help unloading the truck on Saturday the 21st in the morning.

On September 22nd at the 12:00 Noon mass, The Most Rev. James F. Checchio, bishop of our diocese will install Fr. Brian Nolan as Pastor of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament. Please add to your calendars and plan to attend this milestone in our parish's history.

Vivat Jesu,
GK Vincent Scafuto
Our Lady of the Hills, Council 5959

Click to Register

Blood Drive 2019-09-15


Invitation to:

Basilone Council Breakfast on 2019-09-15
Rutgers Catholic Association Conference 0
Rutgers Catholic Association Conference 2
Rutgers Catholic Association Conference 1
Br. Alfred Beronio
Brothers, family and supporters,

I am writing this article in my role as Council 5959 Religious and Civil Rights Chairman. Our Grand Knight has suggested that the various Chairs and Directors in the council make shorter reports at the meeting but expand on them for publication in the Wind of the Hills. This makes sense on a number of levels.

First we have to recognize that any reports given at a meeting are usually heard by only a handful of the 200+ Brothers who comprise our Council. Further, the remarks made are transient and quickly forgotten: the opportunity to follow through by urging the Brothers to visit recommended websites or by writing to our elected representatives is not easy to facilitate at a meeting.

I welcome the suggestion for other reasons. We all realize that not everyone has the time, inclination or passion to acquaint themselves with all the issues confronting our society and, more specifically, our church. Let me paraphrase a quote often attributed (incorrectly) to Mark Twain: One must select wisely a source of news; otherwise it would be better to be uninformed than misinformed.” Couple that with the advice of our Founding Fathers who felt that “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people”.

Unfortunately, working against this good advice is what most of our members face: the demand on one’s time of jobs, family responsibilities, volunteer obligations and the like. On the other hand, I enjoy the freedom that retirement offers to devote time and energy to following many of the topical items that consume so much TV time, newsprint, email space, and mailings.

My goal will be to distill this important information and get it to our Council Brothers in a concise, informative, and useful form and, when appropriate, a clear path to act on it.

Fraternally Yours in Christ,

Brother Albert Beronio
Religions and Civil Rights Chairman
Council meeting:
Held every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, except as periodically announced. All members of the Knights of Columbus in good-standing are invited to attend, please arrive no later than start time.
Meeting Time: 7:30 PM for the meeting, or 7:10 PM to pray the Holy Rosary
Meeting Location: We meet at Blessed Sacrament Parish, in rooms 1&2 (off the church lobby).
Publication Contact:
Publisher: Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Hills Martinsville NJ Council No. 5959
Contacts: Email: officers@kofc.ws; Phone number: 929-459-5950 Webpage: http://www.kofc.ws
USPS Mail to: Blessed Sacrament Parish
c/o Knights of Columbus
1890 Washington Valley Rd
Martinsville NJ 08836